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Travelling and tuberculosis


Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease that is still common all over the world. If you are travelling to Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, Central of South America (high tuberculosis incidence areas), it may be necessary to have the GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service check for tuberculosis after your trip or be vaccinated before your trip.

Consultation with the GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service


If any of the following situations apply to you, please contact the Tuberculosis Department for advice at least 7 weeks before you intend to travel.

  • You have a weakened immune system due to illness or medication.
  • You will work in a hospital, prison or institution for the homeless, addicts, refugees or people with HIV for at least 1 month during your trip.
  • You will stay in a high-risk area for more than 3 months. Or you will make several short trips in 1 year that add up to more than 3 months in total.
  • You will stay in a high-risk area for more than 1 month with a child younger than 5.

Contact us

Tests and vaccination

We will decide what is necessary during the consultation meeting. That could entail:

  • A tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux test) before and after your trip and sometimes an appointment with one of our physicians.
  • A tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux test) followed by a vaccination against tuberculosis.

Test after the trip

If it was agreed during the consultation that you require a TB test after your trip, you must complete the post-travel TB registration form You will then automatically receive an invitation for the test 2 months after your trip.

There are costs associated with the TB tests and vaccinations.

Travel tips

  • During your trip, avoid close contact with people who cough a lot.
  • If this is not possible, try to breathe through your nose as much as possible. Cover your mouth with a scarf, handkerchief or use a face mask.
  • Avoid small, dark and poorly ventilated spaces (rooms, huts, slum dwellings, taxis or public transport). If you really must go inside, open a window.
  • Contact your GP if you have a severe cough for more than 2 weeks after returning from your trip.

Further information and contact

If you have any questions, please contact the Tuberculosis Department of the GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service. We will be happy to help.