Costs of TB testing and vaccination at GGD Amsterdam
In some cases, testing or vaccination for tuberculosis will be free of charge. Sometimes you will have to pay for it yourself. Follow-up testing and treatment will be covered by your health insurance.
Free of charge
- Tests during your first appointment for contact tracing
- Vaccination for children who receive an invitation from us
Not free of charge
- Tests and BCG vaccination for travellers
- Tests if you were referred by the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
- Any follow-up testing for contact tracing
- Tests due to occupational risk. Consult your employer to determine whether you can claim these expenses
Prices as of 1 January 2025:
- Skin test (Mantoux test) € 39,00
- BCG vaccination € 56
- Travellers who get the BCG vaccination also pay for the consultation:
- 1 person: € 94,00
- 2 or more persons: € 106,00
- Chest X-ray € 57,00
- Blood test (IGRA) € 65,68
We only accept debit card payments.
Reimbursement by health insurer
If you require treatment or additional tests, the GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service will claim these costs from your health insurer. These costs may be part of your excess. Contact your health insurer for additional information.
GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service uses the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA) rates.