National vaccination hepatitis B high risk groups
This vaccination campaign is executed by the RIVM in association with the STI foundation and by order of the minister of Health, Welfare and Sport. Here you will find information about hepatitis B, the free vaccination and the places where you can get vaccinated.
What is hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a liver infection, which can have serious consequences. Hepatitis B is highly contagious. People can get infected through sexual interaction or blood contact. In countries where hepatitis B is common, it occurs that children get infected through contact with their mother's blood during or after birth. Vaccination can prevent hepatitis B.
Who can get a free vaccination?
Men who have sex with men and sexworkers can get a free vaccination. These are people who are at a higher risk of getting infected. The government offers this free vaccination to protect them. The nurse or doctor will discuss your options for free vaccination with you.
Also vaccination possible for hepatitis A + B
Men who have sex with men are also at risk of getting hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is a different form of hepatitis and can be caught by anilingus. Almost everyone recovers from hepatitis A, but the disease can make you quite ill for a few months. There is a special vaccine for both hepatitis A and B (Twinrix®). This combined vaccine is given in a series of 3 vaccination shots. Men who have sex with men get the hepatitis B for free but pay €25 per shot for the combined hepatitis A-B vaccine.
Getting vaccinated
The vaccine is given in 3 dosages. One during the first consultation, another one after 1 month and then again after 6 months. There are hardly any side effects. There is no scientific evidence of the vaccine giving any serious complaints or diseases.
How does it work?
When you go in for the first vaccination a blood sample will be taken. This blood test will show whether you have ever been infected and if so, if you have a chronic infection. You can in fact be infected without ever having noticed anything. You will get the results from the blood test when you come in for your second vaccination shot.
Blood test results
When you come in for the second time you will be advised on the further course of treatment depending on your blood results:
- Most people will get the advice to go on with the second and third vaccination shots.
- Some people will have been infected with hepatitis B before and do not need to get the other 2 vaccination shots.
- A very small group of people has a chronic infection and will get an interview/consultation with a doctor or a public health nurse. A chronic hepatitis B infection is very contagious and can eventually lead to serious liver dysfunction. They will be informed by the doctor or nurse on their condition and will receive advice on their further examination and possible treatment.
After the vaccination
Some people get a sensation of pain and stiffness around the spot on their skin where they received the injection, or the skin turns red. These side effects are normal. If you get serious complaints after the vaccination please contact your doctor. We also request you to inform us about any complaints you may have had when you come in for another vaccination shot.
After 3 vaccination shots most people are protected against the disease for a long time (possibly for the rest of their lives).
Some people, however, are not fully protected after vaccination. Especially people with HIV or hepatitis C and people over 50 are at risk of not being fully protected against the disease after 3 vaccination shots. To be certain the vaccination has done its job and you are fully protected you can get a blood test after 4 to 6 weeks. Ask your nurse about this option.
This second blood test is not free, but in some cases you can get your money back from your health insurance. If it turns out that you are not protected against hepatitis B, you can get an additional 3 free vaccination shots.
Your personal information
Your personal information is treated as strictly confidential. If you want to, you can participate under a different name, so you do not have to give your own name and address. We do request that you give us your phone number, so we can reach you. The records/data of the vaccination are used for research into the number of people who get vaccinated. The records and data are made anonymous for this purpose. Your personal information is not known to the data analyst.
Where can you get the vaccination?
If you are among one of the high risk groups you can get a free vaccination against hepatitis B at all the public health services in the Netherlands.
Vaccination locations in Amsterdam
- Public Health Service, department of infectious diseases
Nieuwe Achtergracht 100
3rd floor, follow the black line and get a number at the machine for the hepatitis B vaccination programme (orange button).
This is for all the high risk groups, so for men who have sex with men and for sexworkers). Call us on weekdays at 020 555 5464 to make an appointment. Men can also make an appointment online at or walk in every Thursday evening without appointment between 17.00 and 19.30. - GGD STI outpatient clinic Weesperplein (soa polikliniek)
Nieuwe Achtergracht 100
For men who have sex with men and for sexworkers, as part of an STI test. - AMC (hospital)
Outpatient Clinic Dermatology and HIV outpatient clinic. Patients of these clinics, who belong to any of the high risk groups, can get a free vaccination. Get more information from the doctor in attendance. - VUmc (hospital)
HIV outpatient clinic. Patients of this clinic, who belong to any of the high risk groups, can get a free vaccination. Get more information from the doctor in attendance. - Slotervaart hospital
HIV clinic. Patients of this clinic, who belong to any of the high risk groups, can get a free vaccination. Get more information from the doctor in attendance. - Medical centre Jan van Goyen
HIV clinic. Patients of this clinic, who belong to any of the high risk groups, can get a free vaccination. Get more information from the doctor in attendance. - General practitioner (your family doctor)
If you want to know whether your GP takes part in the national vaccination campaign, call us at 020 555 5464 or call the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard at 020 623 6565
Leaflets for men who have sex with men will be spread in the gay scene of Amsterdam.
More information
Hepatitis B vaccination and STI testing on location
For men who have sex with men the public health service organizes hepatitis B vaccinations at public locations. See the schedule for the next months An STI test is often also possible, again check the schedule (look for 'ook soatest mogelijk').