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Needlestick and biting accidents and other risky injuries

What to do in the event of needlestick or biting accidents and other risky injuries. Were you in contact with the blood or other bodily fluids of other people?

At work or in your free time, you could suffer a variety of injuries and come in contact with the blood, and sometimes other bodily fluids, of other people as a result. If this blood contains viruses such as hepatitis B, C, or HIV, then, depending on the injury, a person may become infected with this virus. These are known as risky injuries.


Call 020 555 5337 (from Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 17.00). On weekends, in the evenings, and on holidays, you can also contact the out-of-hours GP service or go to the Accident and Emergency department of a hospital.


Peer consultation: 020 5555 566 (from Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 17.00)

Outside office hours, call: 020 555 5555 (7x5) and ask for the attending physician at Infectious Diseases. This is only for questions that cannot wait until the next working day.

For more information, also see 'Protocol Risicovolle verwondingen' (PDF, 434 KB) ('Risky injuries Protocol'; in Dutch)

Are you at risk as a result of sexual contact? Check out the information provided by our Outpatient clinic for STDs